Saturday, April 14, 2018

warm homes and loving relatives

I see this on social media every so often: 

it is at once both hurtful and heartwarming..... see I never knew my grandmothers.... one died decades before I was even thought of.... the other just weeks before I was born.  That is why I say it is hurtful, I never knew the warming embrace of my own grandma.  

But I did have an Aunt named Elsie, and every single time we entered her home, always through the kitchen door, we were greeted by the delightful scent of cookies fresh from the oven.
And Elsie cheerfully saying, "I just found this recipe, won't you try them and tell me what you think?"

My Aunt Elsie was cheerful, and very kind and loving. Even when she scolded, there was great compassion in her soft voice. She was a very sweet lady, and I so very grateful to have had her in my life.


And I had an Aunt named Marge, who was always happy to have visitors in her little bungalow by the river.  She had 7Up for me to drink, in a glass, with ice. She had grandchildren older than I, so her living room had some books in it,... enough to entertain a small child for a while: 101 Dalmations was one, I cannot remember the others.  There was a television, almost always turned on, positioned so that it could be viewed from the dining area, which was where they always spent their day.  There was a white, faux leather chair in the living room,...for a few years Marge's brother Frank could be found there, watching the baseball game.  

We visited Aunt Marge often, my favorite,... my father's favorite... her home was always warm and cozy.  Aunt Marge made a mean grilled cheese sandwich....Wonder Bread and butter, fried, with one slice of that individually wrapped cheese... I don't like that awful cheese, but when Aunt Marge made me a grilled cheese sandwich with it, ....that was golden! 
A sweet lady, interested in whatever a person had to say.... Aunt Marge always had a glass of wine, in the dining room with her "company",... but (wink wink) she ALWAYS had a second glass of wine in the kitchen! for a sip whilst tending the grilled cheese, or whatever she was making us for supper.  Ok, she was a little tipsy a lot of the time, but she functioned very well, as many a delicious meal shared with loved ones proves. ALWAYS good eating, whatever was served.  And the occasion special treat of hasenpfeffer, prepared by Uncle Joe, who had lost his sense of smell, without with one also lacks the sense of taste, yet Uncle Joe was the best chef I ever knew... he raised rabbits for the hasenpfeffer.

These are the best, warmest memories of my childhood.... grandparent-less, but loved by some wonderful Aunts,... and Uncles..... thankful that my parents came from large families..... my other blog posts... some about growing up in northern Illinois, and others...about whatever comes to mind on a given day............

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