Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Life on Mars,...kinda like....

Learning to live again.
For nine years and seven months I had the same job…. and now it’s as if I was in a coma for 9 and a half years….  I need to learn how to live again.   Nearly three years ago I moved from an apartment into a townhouse…and I never finished unpacking.  You see, that terrible job took over my entire life.  It consumed me.  Too much travel (more than 200 days a year), too much time spent living out of suitcases.  It took away my ability to live anything resembling what most people would call a normal life.

The day-to-day details of living are foreign to me now.  I never unpacked from a household move, never cleaned or vacuumed… beyond the mundane cleaning of kitchen and bath…  I was exhausted from travel and strange hotel beds, and bizarre work hours that were odd and different from day to day in a job that drained all of my energy. 

I had no time for anything, because every hour at home was spent trying to recover from the previous week of odd hours and travel extremes.  I spent 3 days a year with family: Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve… that was all I had the energy for.  And I found that I needed the day following those holidays to recover adequately to have the energy to do anything, including work. 

It is unnerving,...to have had a job; someplace to go, where I spent between 8 and 14 hours.... and now to have no place that I am required to be.... and to be adrift, looking for a job, ..which now days consists of spending chunks of time on the Internet, because; how else does one go about this job hunting in 2017?   

Plus, I had Internet access, provided by the former employer, and now I have no internet at home.  I am forced to go where there is free wifi: the library, Denny's,.... other places.  I am not a fan of McDonald's (and I have discovered that I cannot get on their wifi, for reasons completely unknown to me),... nor Starbuck's -as I will not pay $4.00 for a cup of hot chocolate and I do not drink coffee.  And, speaking of coffee, what the heck would I do with a caffeine rush, and possible sleeplessness! 
So, I do have someplace to go: the library, ....or Denny's, but I have to spend money if I go to Denny's.....  That's another thing: money --I don't have a job, so I really wish that everyone would stop telling me to get the Internet at home.  I don't know if I will ever be able to afford that again.  And let's not even talk about the cell phone.... I don't have a job!! I am NOT going to be spending money on anything until I find a job, and then only if I earn enough money to pay the debts I currently carry and still have little things like food, water, electricity.... yeah. this is fun.....

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