Today a co-worker excused himself to call his mother. I commented that he was lucky that he could talk to her, as my own mother passed away a few years ago. That caused me to realize that it would be so nice to be able to have a conversation with her. There are many questions that I have thought of in the years since her passing, and there is no one left to answer any of them..... it would actually take going back quite a few years in her life to a time when she may have known all of the answers I would like to have. She had Alzheimer's Disease. Her memories were best of events that occurred longer ago, in her youth.... so that, by the time I did ask her some questions her only answer could be "I don't know".
But, since her passing I have more questions about so many things...... a surgery she had when I was 7 years old, my dad's digestive issues (he passed away decades ago). Questions about my mother's siblings, all of whom passed away before her. Questions about my grandparents, all of whom died before I was born. Questions about trips we took, family friends..........
My friends, if there is anything you wonder about, and you have the chance --ask your parents soon!! Do not wait until it is too late. (I sincerely hope that you have an easy relationship with your parents.)
Call your mother!!!